Archive for 2019

December 11th 2019

Review Day

Activity #1: Notes

Activity #2: PPC on AP Classroom

Activity #3: Benchmark on Illuminate

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December 9th 2019

Lesson 2.9: Legitimacy of the Judicial Branch

Enduring Understanding:

The design of the judicial branch protects the Supreme Court’s independence as a branch of government, and the emergence and use of judicial review remains a powerful judicial practice.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the exercise of judicial review in conjunction with life tenure can lead to debate about the legitimacy of the Supreme Court’s power.

Essential Knowledge:

Precedents and stare decisis play an important role in judicial decision making.

Ideological changes in the composition of the Supreme Court due to presidential appointments have led to the Court’s establishing new or rejecting existing precedents.

Activity #1: Finish Supreme Court Stations

In your notebooks, finish the three Supreme Court Stations that you have left to complete.  Make sure to title the activity "Supreme Court Stations."  If you are absent, you can find the stations below.

Supreme Court Stations 

Activity #2: Nifty-Fifty Vocab:

Once you are finished with the Supreme Court Stations, please complete these four vocabulary terms in your notebooks.  For each of the terms identify the long (textbook) definition, the short (in your own words definition) and example.

Amicus Curiae Brief
Stare Decisis
Judicial Review

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December 5th 2019

Lesson 2.8: The Judicial Branch

Enduring Understanding:

The design of the judicial branch protects the Supreme Court’s independence as a branch of government, and the emergence and use of judicial review remains a powerful judicial practice.

Learning Objectives:

Explain the principle of judicial review and how it checks the power of other institutions and state governments.

Essential Knowledge:

The foundation for powers of the judicial branch and how its independence checks the power of other institutions and state governments are set forth in:
  • Article III of the Constitution
  • Federalist No. 78 
  • Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Debrief 2.13: ASAP: Author Setting Audience Purpose

Passages from Federalist #78, Written by Alexander Hamilton, 1788
The judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution . . . [it] may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments.

For there is no liberty, if the power of judging be not separated from the executive and legislative powers.

Activity #1: Judiciary Notes

Activity #3: Supreme Court Stations

In your notebooks, title the activity "Supreme Court Stations."  Then travel to each one of the stations in the hallway and complete the activity to learn about the Judiciary.  If you are absent, you can find the stations below.


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December 3rd 2019

Lesson 2.8: The Judicial Branch

Enduring Understanding:

The design of the judicial branch protects the Supreme Court’s independence as a branch of government, and the emergence and use of judicial review remains a powerful judicial practice.

Learning Objectives:

Explain the principle of judicial review and how it checks the power of other institutions and state governments.

Essential Knowledge:

The foundation for powers of the judicial branch and how its independence checks the power of other institutions and state governments are set forth in:
  • Article III of the Constitution
  • Federalist No. 78 
  • Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Debrief 2.12:

How many of the justices in the picture below can you name?

How many were you able to name?  1 maybe?  How do you think the founding fathers would have felt about our performance?  Would they be happy, or upset?

Activity #1 Judicial Branch One Pager

In order to create a divider in your notebooks between the Executive Branch (The President) and the Judicial Branch (The Courts) we are going to create a one pager.  The one pager should include the following...
  • A title and subtitle across the middle
  • A border that includes the powers of the Judicial Branch
  • A picture in one quadrant
  • Judicial checks on the other branches in the next quadrant
  • A Diagram of the Structure of the Federal Courts
  • 3 questions about the Supreme Court in the last quadrant

Activity #2: EdPuzzle

Federalist #78

Tweet Sheets as before you leave!


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Hey everyone.  Today we are completing test corrections for your last test over the Executive Branch and the Bureaucracy. 

First, if you have not taken the test, you need to take the test today!!! Here is the access code...


If you have already taken the test, it is time to do test corrections! 


To do test corrections, make sure to take out a separate sheet of notebook paper.

Then, open up your results on the illuminate dashboard.  The Illuminate Dashboard can be found at the following link.

Once you can see your results, open the test booklet.

Then correct your wrong answers!  When you correct your test combine the answer and question to make a true statement and then provide an explanation or example...

Here is an example of how a correction would look....

  1. When the framers of the Constitution created the office of president, they granted the president with all of the powers below EXCEPT…
    1. Veto legislation
    2. Pardon criminals
    3. Appointing judges
    4. Declaring war

The correct answer is D.

So. I would say...
When the framers of the Constitution created the office of president, they granted the president with all of the powers below EXCEPT the power to declare war. This is a power of Congress. <-- This last part is my explanation or example.

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November 20th 2019

Lesson 2.13: Bureaucratic Rule Making Authority

Enduring Understanding:

The federal bureaucracy is a powerful institution implementing federal policies with sometimes questionable accountability.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the federal bureaucracy uses delegated discretionary authority for rule making and implementation.

Essential Knowledge:

Discretionary and rule-making authority to implement policy are given to bureaucratic departments, agencies, and commissions, such as:
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Department of Transportation 
  • Department of Veterans Affairs 
  • Department of Education 
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Federal Elections Commission (FEC) 
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Activity #1:

Using the Chart we create in our notebooks, break the President's Powers into four categories...
  • Legislative Powers
  • Executive Powers
  • Diplomatic/War Powers
  • Judicial Powers
Then use the following article to note the powers of the president that relate to your specific category

Activity #2:

The AP Government curriculum requires that students become familiar with seven of the agencies within the federal bureaucracy.  This is great news! Instead of guessing which of the agencies might show up on the exam, we know which seven we need to understand.  Below are six of the agencies; the seventh, the FEC, will be covered in our elections unit. For each of these agencies, identify the type of agency that it is, and the main job of the agency.

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November 18th 2019

Review Day!

Debrief: Bureaucracy Simulation

Working with the Bureaucracy Simulation...

Today you will have a chance to really experience operations within a bureaucratic organization. Remember that interacting with the bureaucracy will require patience, maturity, and attention to detail.

Form a group of 3 or 4 and take one of the white forms from the stack.

Grant Applications

Each group will complete the "Educational Assistance Award" on behalf of their government teacher. Once you have completed this form, take it to Mr. Clark's room (123) for form verification, and he will then direct you to the next step in the process.


Activity #1: Powers of the President

Using the Chart we create in our notebooks, break the President's Powers into four categories...
  • Legislative Powers
  • Executive Powers
  • Diplomatic/War Powers
  • Judicial Powers
Then use the following article to note the powers of the president that relate to your specific category

Activity #2: The President in Checks and Balances Stations

In each of the station rotation, discuss the impact that each item has on the power of the Executive Branch. In each station, you will see a document, cartoon, or article that discuss a check the Executive branch has on other branches, or that the other branches have on the president...

Activity #3: Kahoot Review

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November 14th 2019

Time to Review!!!

Activity #1: Powers of the President

Using the Chart we create in our notebooks, break the President's Powers into four categories...
  • Legislative Powers
  • Executive Powers
  • Diplomatic/War Powers
  • Judicial Powers
Then use the following article to note the powers of the president that relate to your specific category

Activity #2: The President in Checks and Balances Stations

In each of the station rotation, discuss the impact that each item has on the power of the Executive Branch. In each station, you will see a document, cartoon, or article that discuss a check the Executive branch has on other branches, or that the other branches have on the president...

Activity #3: Kahoot Review

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November 12th 2019

Lesson 2.12: The Bureaucracy

Enduring Understanding

The federal bureaucracy is a powerful institution implementing federal policies with sometimes questionable accountability.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the bureaucracy carries out the responsibilities of the federal government.

Essential Knowledge:

Tasks performed by departments, agencies, commissions, and government corporations are represented by:
  • Writing and enforcing regulations
  • Issuing fines 
  • Testifying before Congress \
  • Issue networks and “iron triangles” 
Political patronage, civil service, and merit system reforms all impact the effectiveness of the bureaucracy by promoting professionalism, specialization, and neutrality.

Debrief 2.9:

Is Pizza Hut Fast Food?  Why or Why Not?

Activity #1: Regulation of your day

Although Congress writes the laws, and the President executes those laws, it is the bureaucracy that follow through with their actual enforcement. We have become so used to bureaucratic regulation that we rarely even give it a thought.

  1. Make a detailed list of tasks and activities (outside of school) that you conduct each day. You should have a list of at least 6.
  2. Now make a list of rules and/or regulations regarding each activity.
    • For example, I get up and make coffee each morning. My coffee maker has to meet safety regulations for electrical appliances, while the water I use must be be inspected to ensure that it does not contain certain contaminants, bacteria, etc. The coffee that I use must list any additional ingredients, as well as information about where it comes from, on the packaging. ALL OF THESE ARE REGULATIONS MADE AND/OR ENFORCED BY BUREAUCRATS!
  3. Choose 2 activities from your list and try to determine what government organization(s) regulates that item or activity.
    • For Example, the FDA requires that under the "Food Safety Modernization Act" that all coffee processing facilities be secured against threats of contamination, bioterrorism, and food-borne illnesses.
  4. Now choose 1 of your activities above and explain why regulating that item or task is so important. How dangerous can a coffee maker really be?

Activity #2:  Bureaucratic Agency Up Close

Agency Up Close

Activity #3: EdPuzzle

Activity #4: Checks and Balances Diagram (Review)

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November 8th 2019

Lesson 2.5: Checks on the Power of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the President’s agenda can create tension and frequent conflicts with Congress

Essential Knowledge:

The potential for conflict with the Senate depends upon the type of executive branch appointments, including:
  • Cabinet members
  • Ambassadors 
  • White House staff
Senate confirmation is an important check on appointment powers, but the president’s longest lasting influence lies in life-tenured judicial appointments.

Policy initiatives and executive orders promoted by the president often lead to conflict with the congressional agenda.

Debrief 2.8:

 How did the simulation go?  What went well, what didn't?  What do you wish you would have known?

Activity #1: Bureaucracy Basics:

Watch the following VIDEO at EdPuzzle

If the legislature was to make a law that made government responsible for overseeing internet service and social media as "guaranteed public services and utilities" (like electricity, water, gas, telephone, etc.), which one of the 15 executive departments would likely be assigned the agency to oversee their regulation? Explain why you chose that department.

Attorney General: William Barr
Secretary of Agriculture: Sonny Perdue
Secretary of Commerce: Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Secretary of Defense: Mark Esper
Secretary of Education: Elisabeth Prince DeVos
Secretary of Energy: James Richard Perry
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Alex Azar
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.
Secretary of the Interior: David Bernhardt
Secretary of Labor: Eugene Scalia
Secretary of State: Mike Pompeo
Secretary of Transportation: Elaine L. Chao
Secretary of the Treasury: Steven T. Mnuchin
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Robert Wilkie
Secretary of Homeland Security: Vacant

Activity #2: TIP-C

Activity #3: Commanding the Bureaucracy

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November 6th 2019

Lesson 2.5: Checks on the Power of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the President’s agenda can create tension and frequent conflicts with Congress

Essential Knowledge:

The potential for conflict with the Senate depends upon the type of executive branch appointments, including:
  • Cabinet members
  • Ambassadors 
  • White House staff
Senate confirmation is an important check on appointment powers, but the president’s longest lasting influence lies in life-tenured judicial appointments.

Policy initiatives and executive orders promoted by the president often lead to conflict with the congressional agenda.

Activity #1: EdPuzzle Videos

Watch the two EdPuzzle Videos at the following addresses:



Activity #2: Roles of the President Check in Sheet:

After watching the videos on the roles that the president plays, complete the sheet titled "Roles of the President" that is handed out in class.  You can use the internet or a textbook to answer the questions at the end.  Once finished, please place this sheet in your notebooks.  

Activity #3: Catch Up!!!

Use the rest of time you have in class to finish the Executive Branch Webquest and your vocabulary from last class.

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November 4th 2019


Sorry I am gone today.  While I am gone, I am going to have you wrap 

Activity #1: Executive Branch Webquest

In your notebooks, answer questions 14 through the end of the Executive Branch Webquest.  Please make sure to answer the questions in complete thoughts!  These will be used on your test which is open notes and will also be graded in your third notebook check.  In order for these notes to be helpful, complete thoughts will be necessary.

Activity #2: Vocabulary

Using the Vocab sheets in the back of class, complete the following vocabulary terms for Notebook Check #3:
  • War Powers Act
  • Signing Statement 
  • Bully Pulpit 
  • Executive Order

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October 29th 2019

Lesson 2.4: Roles and Powers of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the president can implement a policy agenda.

Essential Knowledge:

Presidents use powers and perform functions of the office to accomplish a policy agenda.

Formal and informal powers of the president include:
  • Vetoes and pocket vetoes – formal powers that enable the president to check Congress
  • Foreign policy – both formal (Commander-in-Chief and treaties) and informal (executive agreements) powers that influence relations with foreign nations 
  • Bargaining and persuasion – informal power that enables the president to secure congressional action 
  • Executive orders – implied from the president’s vested executive power, or from power delegated by Congress, executive orders are used by the president to manage the federal government 
  • Signing statements – informal power that informs Congress and the public of the president’s interpretation of laws passed by Congress and signed by the president

Debrief: CUA #2

Activity #1: Executive Branch Simulation

  1. First, we need to elect a President
  2. Then, the President will assign the following roles (asterisks must be filled)...
    • Simulation One:
      • Agriculture* 
      • Defense* 
      • Homeland Security* 
      • Transportation 
      • Health & Human Services* 
      • Justice* 
      • State* 
      • Director of National Intelligence 
      • EPA Administrator* 
      • White House Chief Of Staff* 
      • National Security Adviser 
      • U.N. Ambassador* 
      • FEMA Administrator* 
      • White House Press Secretary* 
      • White House Senior Advisor
    • Simulation Two:
      • Energy*
      • Homeland Security*
      • Interior
      • Transportation*
      • Health & Human Services*
      • Housing & Urban Development • Justice
      • State
      • EPA Administrator*
      • White House Senior Adviser
      • White House Chief Of Staff*
      • U.N. Ambassador
      • FEMA Administrator*
      • White House Press Secretary*
So where are we going?

But first we have to research our roles: Role Sources

Then, answer the following questions in your notebook...
  1. What is the name of your department?
  2. When was your department founded? 
  3. Who is the current secretary, or leader, of your department? 
  4. What agencies or organizations operate under this department? 
  5. What is the annual budget for your department? 
  6. What is one failure and one success that your department has experienced in its history?

Activity #4: Nifty Fifty Vocab

War Powers Act
Signing Statement
Bully Pulpit
Executive Order

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October 25th 2019

Lesson 2.4: Roles and Powers of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the president can implement a policy agenda.

Essential Knowledge:

Presidents use powers and perform functions of the office to accomplish a policy agenda.

Formal and informal powers of the president include:
  • Vetoes and pocket vetoes – formal powers that enable the president to check Congress
  • Foreign policy – both formal (Commander-in-Chief and treaties) and informal (executive agreements) powers that influence relations with foreign nations 
  • Bargaining and persuasion – informal power that enables the president to secure congressional action 
  • Executive orders – implied from the president’s vested executive power, or from power delegated by Congress, executive orders are used by the president to manage the federal government 
  • Signing statements – informal power that informs Congress and the public of the president’s interpretation of laws passed by Congress and signed by the president

Debrief 2.5: 

What conclusions can you make the qualities a person needs to have in order to be a GREAT PRESIDENT!

Activity #1: Grading the Presidency

Notes over the Presidency

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October 23rd 2019

Lesson 2.4: Roles and Powers of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the president can implement a policy agenda.

Essential Knowledge:

Presidents use powers and perform functions of the office to accomplish a policy agenda.

Formal and informal powers of the president include:
  • Vetoes and pocket vetoes – formal powers that enable the president to check Congress
  • Foreign policy – both formal (Commander-in-Chief and treaties) and informal (executive agreements) powers that influence relations with foreign nations 
  • Bargaining and persuasion – informal power that enables the president to secure congressional action 
  • Executive orders – implied from the president’s vested executive power, or from power delegated by Congress, executive orders are used by the president to manage the federal government 
  • Signing statements – informal power that informs Congress and the public of the president’s interpretation of laws passed by Congress and signed by the president

Activity #1: Executive Branch Webquest

In your notebooks, answer the following questions 1-14 from the Executive Branch Webquest.  Please make sure to answer the questions in complete thoughts!  These will be used on your test which is open notes and will also be graded in your third notebook check.  In order for these notes to be helpful, complete thoughts will be necessary. 

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October 21st 2019

Unit Two Part Two: The Executive Branch

The expressed powers of the president are set forth in Article II of the Constitution. The president has a significant degree of informal power, which has grown over time. Under the Constitution, Congress checks the power of the president, and this leads to tension between the two branches over both foreign and domestic affairs. The president and Congress have several interrelated powers. For example, while Congress passes legislation, the president must sign it into law. The president appoints judges and members of the cabinet, who must be confirmed by the Senate. The president also oversees most of the bureaucracy. Technology has impacted the president’s use of the “bully pulpit” to influence public opinion. In addition to reaching out to the public through televised press conferences and the State of the Union message, the president is increasingly making use of social media to communicate views to a vast audience.

Lesson 2.4: Roles and Powers of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the president can implement a policy agenda.

Essential Knowledge:

Presidents use powers and perform functions of the office to accomplish a policy agenda.

Formal and informal powers of the president include:
  • Vetoes and pocket vetoes – formal powers that enable the president to check Congress
  • Foreign policy – both formal (Commander-in-Chief and treaties) and informal (executive agreements) powers that influence relations with foreign nations 
  • Bargaining and persuasion – informal power that enables the president to secure congressional action 
  • Executive orders – implied from the president’s vested executive power, or from power delegated by Congress, executive orders are used by the president to manage the federal government 
  • Signing statements – informal power that informs Congress and the public of the president’s interpretation of laws passed by Congress and signed by the president

Debrief 2.4: Going back in time...

Let's go back and review a bit from Unit One, the Articles of Confederation, Federalism, and The Magna Carta.  Then, please take the Second District CUA.

Activity #1: Executive Branch One Pager:

In order to create a divider in your notebooks between the Legislative Branch (Congress) and the Executive Branch (The Presidency) we are going to create a one pager.  The one pager should include the following...
  • A title and subtitle across the middle
  • A border that includes the powers of the president
  • A picture in one quadrant
  • Executive checks on the other branches in the next quadrant
  • Qualifications and term limits in the next quadrant
  • 3 questions about the president in the last quadrant

Activity #2: OSAM 

Think about the Objects, Symbolism, Actions, and Meaning... 

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October 17th 2019


Working with the person sitting next to you and using your notebooks...  Complete the following Test.  Once you are finished with the multiple choice, make sure to complete the short answer.

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October 15th 2019


Activity #1:

Nifty Fifty Vocab, complete the following terms on the provided sheets to be placed in your notebooks...
  • Incumbent
  • Budget Process (United States)
  • Conference Committee
  • Pork Barrel Spending

Activity #2:

Congress Review Sheet.  Complete the following review over Congress.  Remember that this review can be used on your test but it must be on paper or in your notebooks.

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October 9th 2019

Lesson 2.2: The Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Enduring Understanding:

The republican ideal in the U.S. is manifested in the structure and operation of the legislative branch.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the structure, powers, and functions of both houses of Congress affect the policymaking process.

Essential Knowledge:

By design, the different structures, powers, and functions of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives affect the policy-making process.

Though both chambers rely on committees to conduct hearings and debate bills under consideration, different constitutional responsibilities of the House and Senate affect the policy-making process.
  • Chamber-specific procedures, rules, and roles that impact the policy-making process include:
  • Number of chamber and debate rules that set the bar high for building majority support .
  • Roles of Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, party leadership, and committee leadership in both chambers 
  • Filibuster and cloture 
  • Holds and unanimous consent in the Senate 
  • Role of Rules Committee, Committee of the Whole, and discharge petitions in the House
  • Treaty ratification and confirmation role of the Senate 
Congress must generate a budget that addresses both discretionary and mandatory spending, and as entitlement costs grow, discretionary spending opportunities will decrease unless tax revenues increase or the budget deficit increases.

Pork barrel legislation and logrolling affect lawmaking in both chambers

Debrief 2.3

You are in charge of the Federal Budget ($4,500,000,000,000) of spending (Expenditures) and Taxation (Revenue).  How would you divide it up.  List off the percentages that you would allocate (or assign) to each of the following categories in your notebooks...

  • Social Security
  • Medicare/Medicaid
  • Military
  • Science (Research)
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Education
  • Internation Aid
  • Transportation
  • Housing and Urban Development
  • Veterans Benefits
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Interest on Debt
  • Personal Income Tax
  • Corporate Taxes
  • Payroll Tax
  • Excise Taxes (Gas, Tobacco, Alcohol)
  • Tariffs and Duties on Imports
Take a look at the actual percentage breakdown...

What were some of the areas in which you differed from the actual budget?  How were you the same?

Activity #1: How The Budget Basics...

Go to The Budget Basics WebsiteAnswer the following questions in your notebooks...
  1. What responsibilities do the President and Congress have when it comes to making the budget?
  2. What is a Fiscal Year?  When is the Government's Fiscal Year?
  3. What happens when the government cannot pass a budget by October 1st?

Activity #2: TIP-C

Use the TIP-C model (Title, Information, Patterns, Conclusion) to analyze the two graphs below.  Record the answers in your notebooks...

In your notebooks, answer this question...  What are the two ways to get rid of a deficit?

Activity #3: Free Response Question:

Take a look at the following pie chart...

In your notebooks, answer the following questions:
  • Identify a change in Federal Spending from 1970 to 2023 as represented in the charts above.
  • Explain a reason why this change has occurred.
  • Explain why making changes to the budget is often difficult for elected officials.

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October 7th 2019

Lesson 2.2: The Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Enduring Understanding:

The republican ideal in the U.S. is manifested in the structure and operation of the legislative branch.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the structure, powers, and functions of both houses of Congress affect the policymaking process.

Essential Knowledge:

By design, the different structures, powers, and functions of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives affect the policy-making process.

Though both chambers rely on committees to conduct hearings and debate bills under consideration, different constitutional responsibilities of the House and Senate affect the policy-making process.
  • Chamber-specific procedures, rules, and roles that impact the policy-making process include:
  • Number of chamber and debate rules that set the bar high for building majority support .
  • Roles of Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, party leadership, and committee leadership in both chambers 
  • Filibuster and cloture 
  • Holds and unanimous consent in the Senate 
  • Role of Rules Committee, Committee of the Whole, and discharge petitions in the House
  • Treaty ratification and confirmation role of the Senate 
Congress must generate a budget that addresses both discretionary and mandatory spending, and as entitlement costs grow, discretionary spending opportunities will decrease unless tax revenues increase or the budget deficit increases.

Pork barrel legislation and logrolling affect lawmaking in both chambers

Activity #1 - Congressional Session

Each of you will act as a member of Congress in an upcoming class simulation. In this simulation your goal is to pass at least one bill (created by you or your classmates) into a law. This bill may alter or add any classroom rule, policy, or procedure provided that it does not violate the Constitution. In your case, the Constitution is NKCSD district or OPHS policy. For this exercise, we must assume these policies are "supreme".

Here is the order in which we will proceed:

House and Senate assignments

Selection of leadership for each house (Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader)

Committee assignments (Minimum of 3 members per committee)
Committee on Classroom Procedures
Committee on Rules and Consequences
Committee on Assessments and Grading
Committee on Projects and Group Work

Authoring of bills by all member of congress

Session Goals

1.  Elect a Speaker of the House and President of the Senate
2.  Assign Members to Committees
3.  Assign Bills to Committees
4.  Study/Debate/Amend Bills in Committee
5.  Pass only 1 Bill out of Committee
6.  Debate 4 Bills in your whole Chamber
7.  Pass 1 Bill from your house.  
9.  Pass to President

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October 3rd 2019

Hey everyone, I am sorry I am gone today.  We will finish the legislative branch simulation when I get back on Monday.  For today we have one item to work on...

Activity 1: Finish Primer

In your notebooks, we will travel through Parts 3 and 4 to learn the basics about the Legislative Branch.  You will have the whole class so make sure to work efficiently!  Note the answers to each of the "Parts," or stations in your notebooks.  You can find a copy of each of the parts with this PDF.

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October 1st 2019

Lesson 2.2: The Structures, Powers, and Functions of Congress

Enduring Understanding:

The republican ideal in the U.S. is manifested in the structure and operation of the legislative branch.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the structure, powers, and functions of both houses of Congress affect the policymaking process.

Essential Knowledge:

By design, the different structures, powers, and functions of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives affect the policy-making process.

Though both chambers rely on committees to conduct hearings and debate bills under consideration, different constitutional responsibilities of the House and Senate affect the policy-making process.
  • Chamber-specific procedures, rules, and roles that impact the policy-making process include:
  • Number of chamber and debate rules that set the bar high for building majority support .
  • Roles of Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, party leadership, and committee leadership in both chambers 
  • Filibuster and cloture 
  • Holds and unanimous consent in the Senate 
  • Role of Rules Committee, Committee of the Whole, and discharge petitions in the House
  • Treaty ratification and confirmation role of the Senate 
Congress must generate a budget that addresses both discretionary and mandatory spending, and as entitlement costs grow, discretionary spending opportunities will decrease unless tax revenues increase or the budget deficit increases.

Pork barrel legislation and logrolling affect lawmaking in both chambers.

Debrief 2.1:

Complete the following question on a separate sheet of paper.

Activity #1 - Congressional Session Prep

Each of you will act as a member of Congress in an upcoming class simulation. In this simulation your goal is to pass at least one bill (created by you or your classmates) into a law. This bill may alter or add any classroom rule, policy, or procedure provided that it does not violate the Constitution. In your case, the Constitution is NKCSD district or OPHS policy. For this exercise, we must assume these policies are "supreme".

Here is the order in which we will proceed:

House and Senate assignments

Selection of leadership for each house (Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader)

Committee assignments (Minimum of 3 members per committee)
Committee on Classroom Procedures
Committee on Rules and Consequences
Committee on Assessments and Grading
Committee on Projects and Group Work

Authoring of bills by all member of congress

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September 27th 2019

Lesson 2.1: Congress: The Senate and the House of Representatives 

Enduring Understanding: 

The republican ideal in the U.S. is manifested in the structure and operation of the legislative branch.

Learning Objectives: 

Describe the different structures, powers, and functions of each house of Congress.

Essential Knowledge: 

The Senate is designed to represent states equally, while the House is designed to represent the population.

Different chamber sizes and constituencies influence formality of debate.

Coalitions in Congress are affected by term-length differences.

The enumerated and implied powers in the Constitution allow the creation of public policy by Congress, which includes:

  • Passing a federal budget, raising revenue, and coining money 
  • Declaring war and maintaining the armed forces 
  • Enacting legislation that addresses a wide range of economic, environmental, and social issues based on the Necessary and Proper Clause

Debrief 2.1: CNN 10

Activity 1: Chapter Unit Two Part One Notes

In your notebooks, we will travel through Parts 1 and 2 to learn the basics about the Legislative Branch.  You will have about 20 minutes on each station so make sure to work efficiently!  Note the answers to each of the "Parts," or stations in your notebooks.  You can find a copy of each of the parts with this PDF.

Click Here to access the notes

Activity 2: Use OSAM to Analyze the Political Cartoon

Remember that OSAM stands for Objects, Symbolism, Actions, and Message.

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September 25th 2019

Unit Two: Interactions Among Branches of Government 


Because power is widely distributed and checks prevent one branch from usurping powers from the others, institutional actors are in the position where they must both compete and cooperate in order to govern. 

The three key institutions of the federal government are Congress, the presidency, and the courts. The bureaucracy, which implements policy, is seen by some as an extension of the executive branch and by others as, in effect, a fourth branch of government because of the discretion it can exercise in carrying out policy directives. The Constitution grants specific powers to Congress, the president, and the courts, and in addition, each branch exercises informal powers (developed through political practice, tradition, and legislation). Because checks and balances are designed to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful, Congress and the president, for example, will sometimes cooperate and sometimes compete in governance. 


The powers of Congress are set forth in Article I of the Constitution. Congress is bicameral, with the Senate representing states and the House of Representatives reflecting each state’s population. Congress passes laws that cover a wide range of policy areas, and each chamber has different responsibilities and rules. The federal budget is a good example of how the president and Congress must cooperate and compromise. While Congress is empowered to develop and pass a budget, in the modern era the president typically proposes one, which may lead to ideological debate. There are several reasons it is difficult for Congress to pass legislation, including ideological differences. Much of the work of Congress is done in committees, and congressional committees also exercise oversight to ensure that the bureaucracy is carrying out policies as intended.

Lesson 2.1: Congress: The Senate and the House of Representatives 

Enduring Understanding: 

The republican ideal in the U.S. is manifested in the structure and operation of the legislative branch.

Learning Objectives: 

Describe the different structures, powers, and functions of each house of Congress.

Essential Knowledge: 

The Senate is designed to represent states equally, while the House is designed to represent the population.

Different chamber sizes and constituencies influence formality of debate.

Coalitions in Congress are affected by term-length differences.

The enumerated and implied powers in the Constitution allow the creation of public policy by Congress, which includes:

  • Passing a federal budget, raising revenue, and coining money 
  • Declaring war and maintaining the armed forces 
  • Enacting legislation that addresses a wide range of economic, environmental, and social issues based on the Necessary and Proper Clause

Debrief 2.1: Impeachment!

Read the following excerpt of an article from the Washington Postand answer the questions that follow...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the extraordinary step Tuesday of initiating impeachment proceedings against President Trump, accusing him of violating the Constitution in seeking help from a foreign leader to damage a political opponent. 
Pelosi’s move came after Trump acknowledged that he urged the Ukrainian president to investigate former vice president Joe Biden, a contender for the Democratic presidential nomination who holds a wide lead over Trump, polls show, in a potential general election matchup. The revelation prompted a rush of moderate House Democrats to call for an impeachment inquiry into Trump, a step they had resisted for months. On Tuesday, Pelosi (D-Calif.) relented as well. 
Congress has launched impeachment proceedings against a president only four times in the nation’s history. Pelosi’s move all but ensures that the House will vote on articles charging Trump with “high crimes and misdemeanors” in a matter of weeks, according to senior Democratic lawmakers and top leadership aides, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations.
~By Rachael Bade, Mike DeBonis and Karoun Demirjian from the Washington Post. September 24th 2019. Full Article Text

September 24 at 5:24 PM
1.  Explain how this article represents the principle of checks and balances.

2.  Once the House of Representatives votes on articles to charge President Trump, research what would happen next write down the next steps in the impeachment process.

Activity #1: Congress One Pager

In order to create a "divider" in your notebooks that will serve to separate Unit One and Unit Two Part One, we are going to create a one pager over the Legislative Branch.  To get a look at what a one pager looks like click this link.  Here is what your one pager should include...
  • A title and subtitle across the middle
  • A border that includes the 18 powers of Congress
  • A Picture in one quadrant
  • Congress' checks in another quadrant
  • The structure of Congress in another
  • A quadrant that has three questions you have about Congress

Activity #2: Legislative Branch Carousel

In your notebooks, we will travel through four stations to learn the basics about the Legislative Branch.  You will have about 20 minutes on each station so make sure to work efficiently!  Note the answers to each of the "Parts," or stations in your notebooks.  You can find a copy of each of the stations with this PDF.

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September 23rd 2019

Test Recap and Re-teaching...

Our first test is now behind us.  It was clear that there were some areas that we have clearly mastered, and some lessons that we still need to focus on mastering.  In order to do this, I have created a test "retake and re-teaching" method that will hopefully allow us to learn some important concepts that we missed along the way.

Activity #1:  CUA #1 on Illuminate

Take CUA #1 on Illuminate.  This will be a graded assignment so try your best!  

Activity #2: Test Corrections:

First, download the test so that you can see the questions that you may have missed.  To open the test, CLICK HERE.

Then, on a separate sheet of paper, for each question you missed identify the correct answer and provide an explanation about why it is correct.  If you do not know why the answer is correct ask Coach Taylor or myself.  

Activity #3: Turn in your notebook with vocab

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September 17th 2019

Review Day!

Today, we will be getting ready for your unit one test.  In order to do this, we have two tasks for today.

Activity #1: Unit One PPC

Log in to AP Classroom and take the Unit One PPC.

This quiz is designed to tell you which areas of Unit One that are strengths and weaknesses for you.  Based on your results, we can develop a personalized plan of study for you.  Once you get an idea of where you need to focus your study, we will look at Khan Academy to learn about lessons to strengthen your content and skill mastery.

Activity #2: Unit One Review

Once you have finished with the Unite One PPC on AP Classroom, please continue to complete your Unit One review.


Make sure your notebook is up to date with all Nifty Fifty Vocabulary (see list), Debriefs, Class Activities, and Notes from the previous weeks.  See the blog for a reminder of what you should have complete in your notebooks.  Here is a rubric with an explanation of notebook grading...

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September 13th 2019

Lesson 1.3: Government Power and Individual Rights 

Enduring Understanding: 

The Constitution emerged from the debate about the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation as a blueprint for limited government.

Learning Objectives: 

Explain how Federalist and Anti- Federalist views on central government and democracy are reflected in U.S. foundational documents.

Essential Knowledge: 

Madison’s arguments in Federalist No. 10 focused on the superiority of a large republic in controlling the “mischiefs of faction,” delegating authority to elected representatives and dispersing power between the states and national government.

Anti-Federalist writings, including Brutus No. 1, adhered to popular democratic theory that emphasized the benefits of a small decentralized republic while warning of the dangers to personal liberty from a large, centralized government.

Debrief 1.6: 

Use ASAP to Analyze Brutus 1

“Brutus,” a New York Antifederalist, or opponent of the proposed Constitution (generally assumed to have been Robert Yates, a New York delegate to the Constitutional Convention), anticipated by two weeks the opening paragraph of Federalist 1, also addressed to the people of New York. Brutus voiced a concern shared by many Americans: Could a widely dispersed and diverse people be united under one government without sacrificing the blessings of liberty and self-government? Brutus’ powerful arguments prompted Federalists to articulate a more thorough explanation of what the Constitution meant and why it should be ratified. 
The first question that presents itself on the subject is, whether a confederated government be the best for the United States or not? Or in other words, whether the thirteen United States should be reduced to one great republic, governed by one legislature, and under the direction of one executive and judicial; or whether they should continue thirteen confederated republics, under the direction and control of a supreme federal head for certain defined national purposes only? 
This inquiry is important, because, although the government reported by the convention does not go to a perfect and entire consolidation, yet it approaches so near to it, that it must, if executed, certainly and infallibly terminate in it. 
This government is to possess absolute and uncontrollable power, legislative, executive and judicial, with respect to every object to which it extends, for by the last clause of section 8th, article 1st, it is declared “that the Congress shall have power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this constitution, in the government of the United States; or in any department or office thereof.” And by the 6th article, it is declared “that this constitution, and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and the treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitution, or law of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”

Activity #1: Edpuzzle on the Federalist vs. The Anti-Federalists

Activity #2: Finish Vocabulary

Full Faith and Credit
Article 5 of the Constitution


See class handout.

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September 11th 2019

Lesson 1.8: Constitutional Interpretations of Federalism 

Enduring Understanding: 

Federalism reflects the dynamic distribution of power between national and state governments.

Learning Objectives: 

Explain how the appropriate balance of power between national and state governments has been interpreted differently over time.

Essential Knowledge: 

The interpretation of the Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments, the commerce clause, the necessary and proper clause, and other enumerated and implied powers is at the heart of the debate over the balance of power between the national and state governments.

The balance of power between the national and state governments has changed over time based on U.S. Supreme Court interpretation of such cases as:

  • McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), which declared that Congress has implied powers necessary to implement its enumerated powers and established supremacy of the U.S. Constitution and federal laws over state laws 
  • United States v. Lopez (1995), which ruled that Congress may not use the commerce clause to make possession of a gun in a school zone a federal crime, introducing a new phase of federalism

Debrief 1.5: Political Cartoon Analysis

Using the tool "OSAM" to analyze the author's message in this political cartoon.  In your notebooks, label your response "Debrief 1.5."  Then, write down...

"O" Objects: What objects do you see in the political cartoon?
"S" Symbols: What do the objects that you see in the political cartoon symbolize?
"A" Actions: What movements can you envision if this were a moving picture? 
"M" Message: What is the message that the author is trying to say to the reader?

Activity #1: Watch the EdPuzzle to Refresh on Federalism

Click HERE 

Activity #2: Federalism FRQ

Take a look at the FRQ from the 2018 Gov Test.  Complete the FRQ essay on the sheet that I provide you using the strategies we discuss in class. 

Activity #3: Nifty Fifty Vocabulary

Add the following words to your vocabulary...

Reserved Powers Clause
Commerce Clause
Necessary and Proper Clause
Supremacy Clause

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September 9th 2019

Lesson 1.7: Relationship between the States and the Federal Government 

Enduring Understanding: 

Federalism reflects the dynamic distribution of power between national and state governments.

Learning Objectives: 

Explain how societal needs affect the constitutional allocation of power between the national and state governments.

Essential Knowledge: 

The exclusive and concurrent powers of the national and state governments help explain the negotiations over the balance of power between the two levels.

The distribution of power between federal and state governments to meet the needs of society changes, as reflected by grants, incentives, and aid programs, including federal revenue sharing, mandates, categorical grants, and block grants.

Debrief 1:4:

Finish this paragraph prompt: "The Federal Constitution represented a substantial growth in the power of the national government."  Use 3 supporting details to support this claim.

Activity #1: Notes 

Chapter Three Notes over structures of government

Activity #2: Federalism in Action

Using the internet, find three examples or articles of Federalism in Action.  For each one of your your examples that you find, make sure to record the issue or item you found, identify the level of government responsible for the item or issue, explain how it relates to the concept of Federalism, and then.

Find an example of Federalism inaction...  (For example, state or national governments blocking another level of government from taking action)

Activity #3: Federalism FRQ

Take a look at the FRQ from the 2018 Gov Test.  Complete the FRQ essay on the sheet that I provide you using the strategies we discuss in class. 

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September 5th 2019

Lesson 1.6: Principles of American Government 

Enduring Understanding: 

The Constitution created a competitive policy-making process to ensure the people’s will is represented and that freedom is preserved.

Learning Objectives: 

Explain the constitutional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. Explain the implications of separation of powers and checks and balances for the U.S. political system.

Essential Knowledge: 

The powers allocated to Congress, the president, and the courts demonstrate the separation of powers and checks and balances features of the U.S. Constitution.

Federalist No. 51 explains how constitutional provisions of separation of powers and checks and balances control abuses by majorities.

Debrief 1.4:

Watch the following video on EdPuzzle and answer the questions...

Think about the following quote:
"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." -James Madison
Think about what this quote means...  What does this quote have to do with checks and balances within our government?

Activity #1: Federalist 51 Drawings

Using our understanding of Federalist 51 from last class, draw an illustration that you feel captures the meaning of Alexander Hamilton's Federalist Paper #51.  See class discussion for examples.

Activity #2:

Log in to AP Classroom to ensure that topic quizzes 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 are all completed.

Activity #3:

Please add the following terms to your vocabulary index in the back of your notebook:
Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
Bill of Rights

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September 3rd 2019

Lesson 1.6: Principles of American Government 

Enduring Understanding: 

The Constitution created a competitive policy-making process to ensure the people’s will is represented and that freedom is preserved.

Learning Objectives: 

Explain the constitutional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. Explain the implications of separation of powers and checks and balances for the U.S. political system.

Essential Knowledge: 

The powers allocated to Congress, the president, and the courts demonstrate the separation of powers and checks and balances features of the U.S. Constitution.

Federalist No. 51 explains how constitutional provisions of separation of powers and checks and balances control abuses by majorities.

Debrief 1.3:

2B: What were the differences between the New Jersey and Virginia Plans at the Constitutional Convention?

3B and 4B: Draw a Venn Diagram in your notebooks. Label one side "New Jersey Plan," and the other side "Virginia Plan." Write down the three main ideas of each plan on each side of the Venn Diagram.  In the middle we will write down the three main components of the Great Compromise.

Activity #1: Complete the EdPuzzle Assignment

Activity #2: Notes from Chapter Two 

For the slides with notes, click on the following link

Activity #3: Federalist 51

Download the Federalist 51 PDF.  Save the PDF to your AP Gov folder on your desktop (or wherever you made your folder) and complete the walkthrough on the PDF using Preview and save it in your folder.  Once you finish, move on to Activity #4

Activity #4: AP Classroom

Log in to AP Classroom (It sucks I know).  Then complete quizzes 1.4 and 1.5

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August 29th 2019

Lesson 1.5: Ratification of the U.S. Constitution 

Enduring Understanding: 

The Constitution emerged from the debate about the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation as a blueprint for limited government.

Learning Objectives: 

Explain the ongoing impact of political negotiation and compromise at the Constitutional Convention on the development of the constitutional system

Essential Knowledge: 

Compromises deemed necessary for adoption and ratification of the Constitution are represented by:

  • Great (Connecticut) Compromise 
  • Electoral College 
  • Three-Fifths Compromise 
  • Compromise on the importation of slaves 
Debates about self-government during the drafting of the Constitution necessitated the drafting of an amendment process in Article V that entailed either a two-thirds vote in both houses or a proposal from two-thirds of the state legislatures, with final ratification determined by three-fourths of the states.

The compromises necessary to secure ratification of the Constitution left some matters unresolved that continue to generate discussion and debate today.

The debate over the role of the central government, the powers of state governments, and the rights of individuals remains at the heart of present-day constitutional issues about democracy and governmental power, as represented by: Debates about government surveillance resulting from the federal government’s response to the 9/11 attacks The debate about the role of the federal government in public school education

Debrief 1.3:

Use ASAP (Author, Setting Audience, Purpose) to analyze the following document in 6 minutes...

Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775–76 promoting independence from Great Britain to people in the 13 colonies. Writing in clear and persuasive prose, Paine made moral and political arguments to encourage common people in the Colonies to fight for egalitarian government.

“The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. . . .Volumes have been written on the subject of the struggle between England and America. Men of all ranks have embarked in the controversy, from different motives, and with various designs; but all have been ineffectual, and the period of debate is closed. 

Arms, as the last resource, decide the contest; the appeal was the choice of the king, and the continent hath accepted the challenge.” “The sun never shined on a cause of greater worth. ‘Tis not the affair of a city, a country, a province, or a kingdom, but of a continent.  But Britain is the parent country, say some. Then the more shame upon her conduct. Even brutes do not devour their young, nor savages make war upon their families . . .

I challenge the warmest advocate for reconciliation, to shew, a single advantage that this continent can reap, by being connected with Great Britain. I repeat the challenge, not a single advantage is derived. . . .

Every thing that is right or natural pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, ‘TIS TIME TO PART. . . .

As to government matters, it is not in the power of Britain to do this continent justice: The business of it will soon be too weighty, and intricate, to be managed with any tolerable degree of convenience, by a power, so distant from us, and so very ignorant of us; for if they cannot conquer us, they cannot govern us. . . .

I am not induced by motives of pride, party, or resentment to espouse the doctrine of separation and independence; I am clearly, positively, and conscientiously persuaded that it is the true interest of this continent to be so . . .

O ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth!”

Activity #1: 4 Little Words

Using the following words "Articles of Confederation, Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Shay's Rebellion, Constitutional Convention.

Activity #2: Venn Diagram

Compare the New Jersey and Virginia Plans, then we will discuss

Activity #3: Complete the EdPuzzle Assignment

Activity #4: Nifty Fifty Vocabulary:

Using the back of the vocabulary sheet that we completed last class or a new sheet if needed, please add the following vocabulary terms to our notebook glossaries:

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)

3/5's Compromise

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August 27th 2019

Lesson 1.3: The Challenges of the Articles of Confederation 

Enduring Understanding: The Constitution emerged from the debate about the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation as a blueprint for limited government. 

Learning Objectives: Explain the relationship between key provisions of the Articles of Confederation and the debate over granting the federal government greater power formerly reserved to the states. 

Essential Knowledge: Specific incidents and legal challenges that highlighted key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation are represented by the: 

  • Lack of centralized military power to address Shays’ Rebellion 
  • Lack of tax-law enforcement power

Debrief 1.2:

Skim the following article about California's attempted secession by reading the title, picture captions, and the first line of each paragraph.  If any paragraph piques your interest, read those paragraphs.  Then answer the following questions in your notebook under the heading "Debrief 1.2:"
  1. What is the Social Contract, and what does it have to do with California in this article?
  2. How might the history of California and the United States impact how California might set up their new government?
  3. In your opinion, how should the United States Federal Government respond to California if this movement progresses?

Activity #1: The Articles of Confederation:

Part One:  In your notebooks, create a 2 column by 3 row square table.  Label the left column, "Grievances against the King."  List three different issues that the colonist had against the English Government.

Part Two: Complete the Articles of Confederation Analytical Reading.  Make sure to complete the tasks on the PDF using Apple Preview.  

Part Three:  In the right column of the chart that you made in the notebooks, list how the new American Government in the Articles of Confederation responded to the grievance listed in the Declaration of Independence.  

Activity #2:  Weakness of the Articles of Confederation:

Travel to this link to learn about why the United States' first government, The Articles of Confederation, failed.  Once there, skim through the article to learn about the major weakness of our first government.  To skim...

  1. Read the title, headings, and captions to pictures
  2. Then, read the first sentence of each paragraph and only read the paragraphs that stand out to you.
Once you finish, respond to the following prompt in your notebook...
"Develop an argument that explains how Articles of Confederation failed to provide a stable foundation for the American Colonies after independence."

Activity #3:  Notes (If time allows) 

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August 23rd 2019

Benchmark Day!

Activity #1

I wanted to start off today by reviewing what we learned about last class, The Declaration of Independence.  To do this, please complete the assignment titled "Declaration of Independence" on EdPuzzle. 

Activity #2

Next, we have a district Benchmark.

Today we are going to complete our first check-in to see how much you already know about American Government!  The Benchmark will be on Illuminate Student.  To access the assessment:

Click Here

Activity #3

Once you finish, please complete the Nifty Fifty vocab terms using the sheets provided:

Representative Democracy
Social Contract
Popular Soveriengty
Natural Rights

Activity #4

Please make sure you have completed Lesson 1.2 Quiz on AP Classroom.

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