November 6th 2019

Lesson 2.5: Checks on the Power of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the President’s agenda can create tension and frequent conflicts with Congress

Essential Knowledge:

The potential for conflict with the Senate depends upon the type of executive branch appointments, including:
  • Cabinet members
  • Ambassadors 
  • White House staff
Senate confirmation is an important check on appointment powers, but the president’s longest lasting influence lies in life-tenured judicial appointments.

Policy initiatives and executive orders promoted by the president often lead to conflict with the congressional agenda.

Activity #1: EdPuzzle Videos

Watch the two EdPuzzle Videos at the following addresses:



Activity #2: Roles of the President Check in Sheet:

After watching the videos on the roles that the president plays, complete the sheet titled "Roles of the President" that is handed out in class.  You can use the internet or a textbook to answer the questions at the end.  Once finished, please place this sheet in your notebooks.  

Activity #3: Catch Up!!!

Use the rest of time you have in class to finish the Executive Branch Webquest and your vocabulary from last class.

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