September 3rd 2019

Lesson 1.6: Principles of American Government 

Enduring Understanding: 

The Constitution created a competitive policy-making process to ensure the people’s will is represented and that freedom is preserved.

Learning Objectives: 

Explain the constitutional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. Explain the implications of separation of powers and checks and balances for the U.S. political system.

Essential Knowledge: 

The powers allocated to Congress, the president, and the courts demonstrate the separation of powers and checks and balances features of the U.S. Constitution.

Federalist No. 51 explains how constitutional provisions of separation of powers and checks and balances control abuses by majorities.

Debrief 1.3:

2B: What were the differences between the New Jersey and Virginia Plans at the Constitutional Convention?

3B and 4B: Draw a Venn Diagram in your notebooks. Label one side "New Jersey Plan," and the other side "Virginia Plan." Write down the three main ideas of each plan on each side of the Venn Diagram.  In the middle we will write down the three main components of the Great Compromise.

Activity #1: Complete the EdPuzzle Assignment

Activity #2: Notes from Chapter Two 

For the slides with notes, click on the following link

Activity #3: Federalist 51

Download the Federalist 51 PDF.  Save the PDF to your AP Gov folder on your desktop (or wherever you made your folder) and complete the walkthrough on the PDF using Preview and save it in your folder.  Once you finish, move on to Activity #4

Activity #4: AP Classroom

Log in to AP Classroom (It sucks I know).  Then complete quizzes 1.4 and 1.5

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