November 8th 2019

Lesson 2.5: Checks on the Power of the President

Enduring Understanding:

The presidency has been enhanced beyond its expressed constitutional powers.

Learning Objectives:

Explain how the President’s agenda can create tension and frequent conflicts with Congress

Essential Knowledge:

The potential for conflict with the Senate depends upon the type of executive branch appointments, including:
  • Cabinet members
  • Ambassadors 
  • White House staff
Senate confirmation is an important check on appointment powers, but the president’s longest lasting influence lies in life-tenured judicial appointments.

Policy initiatives and executive orders promoted by the president often lead to conflict with the congressional agenda.

Debrief 2.8:

 How did the simulation go?  What went well, what didn't?  What do you wish you would have known?

Activity #1: Bureaucracy Basics:

Watch the following VIDEO at EdPuzzle

If the legislature was to make a law that made government responsible for overseeing internet service and social media as "guaranteed public services and utilities" (like electricity, water, gas, telephone, etc.), which one of the 15 executive departments would likely be assigned the agency to oversee their regulation? Explain why you chose that department.

Attorney General: William Barr
Secretary of Agriculture: Sonny Perdue
Secretary of Commerce: Wilbur L. Ross, Jr.
Secretary of Defense: Mark Esper
Secretary of Education: Elisabeth Prince DeVos
Secretary of Energy: James Richard Perry
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Alex Azar
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Benjamin S. Carson, Sr.
Secretary of the Interior: David Bernhardt
Secretary of Labor: Eugene Scalia
Secretary of State: Mike Pompeo
Secretary of Transportation: Elaine L. Chao
Secretary of the Treasury: Steven T. Mnuchin
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Robert Wilkie
Secretary of Homeland Security: Vacant

Activity #2: TIP-C

Activity #3: Commanding the Bureaucracy

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