March 31st 2020

Welcome back to week two of e-learning.  Thank you to all who engaged last week and sent me your notebooks.  This week we are going to start with a new structure.  Every week, instead of have two lessons then three for A Day B Day week rotations, we will always have two lessons each week posted on Monday and Wednesday.  These lessons will be just a little longer than last week.  Friday will be a wrap up day.  I will still be available to help you on Fridays during office hours and through email, but there will not be any new work!  I hope this helps you in not having to worry about which day is and A day and B day.

First, make a new heading titled "March 30th 2020" in your notebooks using the "Heading 1" format.

Activity #1: Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances Article

Read the following article and answer the following questions in your notebook:
  1. How does this article demonstrate the idea of "Separation of Powers?"  In other words, what steps did each branch have to go through to get this law passed?
  2. How does this article demonstrate the idea of "Checks and Balances?
  3. What will this law do for the American people and American businesses?
  4. Why might this law be controversial? (You can use outside research or your own opinion for this answer.

Activity #2: OSAM Stimulus Cartoon

In your notebooks, note the Objects, Symbolism (the bull is important), Actions, and Meaning of the following political cartoon...

Activity #3: Closing

Write a claim that identifies how Congress and or the President can try to influence the economy.  To start...

"Congress and the President can help the economy by..."

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