Letter from Birmingham Jail

As we venture further into our study of the Bill of Rights, we have to take a moment to look at the groups in America who have had to persevere in order to earn the rights that we are all entitled to as Americans.  Minority groups including African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Women, LGBTQ, and many others have endured many hardships to earn basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Think back to your 5 W's, you selected a group of individuals who have seen hardships of all kinds in order to campaign for our basic freedoms.  One of these groups, African American's went through centuries of struggles of hardship.  These struggles made worldwide media attention during the Civil Rights Era in the 1950's and 1960's.

Take a look at the following videos.  The first one tells you a little about the background of what the African American community was going through during the time that MLK Jr. and SCLC were experiencing while they were working for Civil Rights.  The second video is an audio recording of the "Letter from Birmingham Jail" written by Dr. King.

Once you have watched the videos, complete the sheet that focuses on Dr. King's speech.

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