May 7th 2020

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Review

Activity #1: Civil Liberties

Answer the following questions in your notebook...

1.  How does the Bill of Rights protect citizens and states from an overpowering national government?  Hint:  Recall the reason that these 10 amendments were added to the US Constitution in the first place.....cough...cough...Antifederalists....cough.....

2.  What limitations are there on our freedom of speech and religion?  Hint: Think setting.

3.  Why are the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th considered the "rights of the accused"?  Hint:  Think like someone wrongfully accused.

4.  In what ways is the 2nd amendment different than the other civil liberties expressed in the Bill of Rights?  Hint:  "infringed"

Activity #2: Civil Rights

1.  Why did the court reverse the Plessy v Ferguson (1896) separate but equal doctrine the case of Brown v Board of Education (1954)?  Hint:  It is "inherently unequal"

2.  Under what power granted to them under the US Constitution did Congress pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964?  What were the limits?  Hint:  "Public Accommodation"

3.  The 24th Amendment abolished the poll tax.  Why were these taxes, and literacy tests, seen as a deliberate attempt to limit minority voting?  Hint:  Look at the states that had poll taxes.

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