April 14th 2020

Activity One: Congress Review: A Bicameral Congress...

Review the following video and complete the assignment that follows...

Create a T-Chart in your notebook for activity #1 that compares the House and the Senate...  I am not worried about formatting.  I know that it can be tough to format this in your google notebook.  In your T-Chart, make sure to compare the House and the Senate in this way...

                                House of Representatives                   X                    Senate

  1. Size
  2. Terms
  3. Qualifications       
  4. Unique Responsibilities

Activity #2: Law-Making Process:

Order the following events in the process of how a bill becomes a law...

The bill is signed or vetoed by the President
The bill is referred to a committee
The bill is debated by the committee
The bill is written by anyone
The bill is debated on the floor of the house or senate
The bill is sent to a conference committee to eliminate differences
The bill is sent to the President
The bill is passed by the committee (or it fails)
The bill is sent to the other house to repeat the process
The whole House or Senate votes on the bill
The bill is introduced to the House or Senate by a member of Congress

If you need some help, you can read this document...

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