Political Quizzes

  1. Go to I Side With Political Quiz
    • Answer the questions according to how you feel.  Make sure to note that there is a chance to select your stance, but also, a slider to choose how important that question is to you.  
    • For a more detailed readout, make sure to always click "answer more questions" when you have the opportunity.
    • When you finish, screen shot your results and copy it into your Word Doc.
  2. Go to Pew Political Typology Quiz
    • Take the quiz, screen shot your results and copy it into your Word Doc.
  3. Go to Political Compass Quiz
    • Take the quiz, screen shot your results and copy it into your Word Doc.
  4. Once you finish, reflect upon what you found out about yourself today in about a paragraph.  
    • Did your results surprise you?
    • Do you think that these are an accurate reflection of you as a future voter?

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