Archive for 2016

The Gerrymandering Game

The Gerrymandering Game

See if you can complete missions 1 and 2

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Political Quizzes

  1. Go to I Side With Political Quiz
    • Answer the questions according to how you feel.  Make sure to note that there is a chance to select your stance, but also, a slider to choose how important that question is to you.  
    • For a more detailed readout, make sure to always click "answer more questions" when you have the opportunity.
    • When you finish, screen shot your results and copy it into your Word Doc.
  2. Go to Pew Political Typology Quiz
    • Take the quiz, screen shot your results and copy it into your Word Doc.
  3. Go to Political Compass Quiz
    • Take the quiz, screen shot your results and copy it into your Word Doc.
  4. Once you finish, reflect upon what you found out about yourself today in about a paragraph.  
    • Did your results surprise you?
    • Do you think that these are an accurate reflection of you as a future voter?

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District Pre-Test

For those of you who have not completed your district pre-test, you need to take the test by Friday, September 2nd.  If you are not sure if you have completed your test check your grade.  You will see a 10/10 if you test is finished.  If you need to take the test, click on this link:

District Pre-Test

The code is:  WNXMUMW

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Welcome to The American Citizen

There couldn't be a better year to study the American Government.  2016 will with no doubt provide the public with an election to remember.  It features two well known and divisive candidates topping both of the major party tickets.  This election has sparked questions across the country on issues that have long been forgotten; how do conventions work, what is the party's role in conducting fair primaries, how does the electoral process work, and what promises can a candidate constitutionally fulfill.  This year we will study these questions while examining the three major branches of government, the legislative, executive, and judicial.  We will also take a look at the undercurrents that help to form the government we live in today.  It is going to be a great year and I am excited to have you in class!

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